Sunday, October 2, 2011

Getting around

Hey friends and family!  Guess I didn't make another post in September.  Wow how time is flying by!  Well Mike had to go on a business trip to the central coast so it was just KJ and me for a couple of days.  Daddy was surprised when he came back because KJ was moving around so much more!  We need to do some serious baby proofing!  She can definitely army crawl now.  She likes to get on all fours then put one arm forward then one leg, then she falls.  She also figured out how to go back to a sitting position from her belly!  She is moving all around the living room.  She also likes to stand up and hold onto the rail of her crib or the coffee table. She is able to put one foot in front of the other and walk with us holding onto her.  I have a couple of videos for ya at the end.  Oh yeah, KJ has four teeth now!

Here are a couple of cute pics.........

KJ loves Daddy's XBox remote control.....she loves the TV remote control too!

I love this onesie....its from our friends Marco & Stephanie....from their East Coast trip which included Portand Maine.....its says "I'm a keepah!"  with a lobster on it.   Gotta love it!

So some of you may know already, but my friend Janet is having her second boy this month and my friend Kim is having twin girls probably early November.  So Janet, Courtney and I threw Kim a baby shower.  Usually you don't have a second kid baby shower but since its twins, we know she would need more stuff!  I have to show you Janet's incredible cake making skills.  Kim's twins are named Sydney & Kensey.

I am not nearly as talented as Janet, but I made Kim a diaper cake.  I know Mindy was very disappointed that a diaper cake did not involve any real cake to eat.  But Janet's cake was delicious!  Chocolate cake with cookies and cream filling and the top layer was yellow cake with fudge filling!

Here is my diaper cake...............

Well Mike & I enjoyed a nice dinner out with our friends Marco & Stephanie this past Friday.  This was only the third time we have had a date night together since KJ was born.  We had a lovely dinner and KJ did well for Aunt Barb at her house.  Thanks Aunt Barb!  Now that baseball season is over, she is taking her vacation.  So Aunt Cyndi is helping us with child care on the days that I work.  And hopefully Aunt Mindy will be coming to visit at the end of the month!

Now for video time................

Here is KJ eating butternut squash for the first time.  She was eating with her mouth open which is not her norm.  But she really likes it now!

Here is KJ trying to crawl............

This one is only a couple of days later.  She started doing the army crawl to get to her toys.