Tuesday, June 21, 2011

Happy 4 months & Happy First Father's Day!

Kaylen is 4 months old now!  Where has the time gone?  She makes us smile everyday.  She had her 4 month pediatrician appt which went well.  She now weighs 15 pounds 4 ounces and is 26 inches tall!  She is in the 97th percentile for height and 85th for weight.  She cried with her shots but was fine a couple of minutes after.  Dr Bennett was pleased with her progress.  We are so happy to have a healthy baby!

We celebrated Mike's first Father's Day!  Grandpa was here too!  Such a treat.  We had a nice brunch on the water and played in the pool for a little while.  Grandpa and Kaylen got to know each other much better.  Such a nice relaxing weekend.  And the boys took me out for a sushi birthday dinner and I got an iPad for my birthday!  I am so spoiled!

My parents are flying in today from Texas.  This will be Poppi's first time meeting Kaylen!  More adventures to come!

Sunday, June 12, 2011

First Time in the Pool!

Hey everyone!  Thanks for following us!  Kaylen will be 4 months on June 15th!  The time is just flying by!  We are enjoying every moment.  Last weekend we got her in the pool for the first time.  She absolutely loved it!  We heated our pool to a nice 86 degrees.   Daddy got in the pool with her since I still had steristrips from my surgery and couldn't get in.  Plus, someone had to run the video!  Kaylen was just staring at everything for a while.  She quickly warmed up and started kicking her feet!  It was so much fun to watch her experience the pool for the first time just hoping she will love it as much as I do.  I can imagine lots of summer days in our pool.

Kaylen is now talking (or her version of talking) a lot now.  She started producing new consonant sounds like M's and G's.  She loves watching Baby's First TV...its a channel on DirectTV that is good for young ones.  They have very catchy music (which always get stuck in my head!) and it teaches them counting and colors and such.  It's a good distraction so I can get a couple of things done around the house.  She just sits in her bouncer and talks to the TV.  She forgets I am even there!  We also have tummy time which she is lifting her head really well and can do a baby push up.  She also has figured out how to roll from her tummy to her back.  She really loves grabbing anything and everything and putting it in her mouth.  She  has figured out how to hold onto things, including her bottle.  She gets so excited when she sees her bottle!  That is why Grandpa Beever has nicknamed her "Lil Miss Big Gulp."  She is living up to that nickname for sure!

Friday, June 3, 2011

New to this blogging thing

Hey friends & family!  I decided to do a blog.  I am keeping it simple for now.  I am sure that I will learn more as I do it more.  My friend Sam inspired me to do this.  She is moving to Ecuador this month and has done a great job at keeping us updated.   I figured you guys would love updates on the Beever family.

Kaylen is going to be 4 months old on June 15th!  She will have a pediatrician appt and get more shots.  She is more & more fun every day!  She is sleeping through the night which I am so grateful for.  She gets up in the 6:00 hour every morning and for those of you who know me, I don't like getting up that early.  Even if I have gone to bed at 10:00, I still don't like getting up!  But she is so much fun in the mornings, giving me smiles and is starting to giggle.  Kaylen is definitely a talker and sometimes screams!  The newest toy is a Baby Einstein Jumperoo.  It allows her to stand up, put her feet on the floor, and play with fun stuff!  She is really aware of her surroundings and checks out everything I do.  She loves to watch me eat, just wondering what that fork or spoon is for.  We have our routines down pretty well.  She doesn't like to nap for longer than 30-45 min during the day.  But since she sleeps through the night, I will count my blessings.

As for me, I am one week post op from having my gallbladder removed.  Another present from pregnancy was gallstones which were causing me painful episodes.  The surgery was done laparoscopic so the recovery is going well!  I can't lift anything heavier than my daughter and a few diet restrictions and I am doing ok.  I am so glad that my Aunt Barb was able to watch Kaylen on my surgery day.  They did really well together!  We are so lucky to have Aunt Barb!

Mike looks forward to 5:00 pm M-F and the weekends because he loves being home with us!  He is such a great Daddy!  Kaylen always manages to have a poop blowout on him though.  Way to go girl!  Don't worry, she has them on me too! 

I think that's it for my first post.    Love you all!