Monday, November 21, 2011

Moving Right Along

Hey friends and family!  We are moving right along!  It's gonna be Thanksgiving this week and Christmas will be here before you know it.  Kaylen turned 9 months on the 15th!  She is still cruising the furniture and now she can stand alone without holding on!  No steps yet but soon enough.  She is really observing the world these days.  She wants to touch everything, and put it in her mouth.  She loves our phones, remotes and pens.  She also has learned to clap her hands.  And we are teaching her to wave goodbye.  We had her 9 month appt and her pediatrician was very impressed with her social skills.  KJ will stare you down with her serious face until she decides she likes you, but then she smile and laugh with you.  She is now 20 pounds (75th %), 29.5 inches (97th %).  She had another couple of shots but she barely cried.  She is such a good baby.

We went to  a friend of mine's daughters second birthday.  It was at a My Gym which was really fun for the older kids.  KJ enjoyed interacting with the other kids, once she warmed up.  We put her in the tub of balls but she wasn't too sure about it when she started sinking!

We also got to visit with Mike's cousin Crystal.  She used to live in SoCal but now lives in Georgia.  She has two daughters, Aubrey and Reese.  Reese was born exactly one month after Kaylen.  It was fun to get them together.  We went to a park next to the Rose Bowl and had a blast swinging on the swings.  We wished they lived closer.  Hopefully they will move back one day. 

Here is a fun pic of Kaylen not holding on to anything.  And she loves to put socks in her mouth.  Silly girl!

Now for some videos!

This first one is of Kaylen and her crazy tongue!

This one is of her cruising the couch.  She is much faster now but its what I have.

And this last one is her laughing hysterically at Daddy!  I love it!  The first few seconds are dark but then I turned on the flash.

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