Thursday, March 22, 2012

New Foods and New Words

Hey everyone!  Another month has flown by!  And its officially spring now.  There's hasn't been too much going on this month.  I enjoyed my month off and am back at work where things are getting busier.  We have a new computer system that is really frustrating to learn.  I just come home and hug my Kaylen and things are all better.  She just makes me smile.  She is really exploring the world now.  She is very curious about the back yard now.  We can't wait to put her in the pool again!   Soon, very soon. 

Her new word is "bye" and "byes"  and "go bye"  She says them all the time.  I believe she knows what she is saying.  Anytime Mike and I go to work, she promptly says bye.  She also likes going "bye bye" now.  We have taken her to the park a few times and she loves it.  She loves running around and interacting with other kids.  She is very social.   She is always waving at everyone.   She enjoys chasing the birds at the park and playing in the sand.  And she loves the swing.  The higher the better.

Kaylen likes to stack cups and tupperware.  She likes to put things into containers.  She is just figuring out how to put her sea creature puzzle pieces in their place.  She gets frustrated if they don't fit just right, so we help her out.  I am trying to teach her to put her toys away at night.  She likes to put them in the basket. 

Kaylen is officially drinking milk out of her sippy cup now.  No more bottles!  She eats pretty much what we eat now.  We have been exploring new foods.  She has two more teeth on the bottom, so that makes 4 on top and 4 on bottom. She loved the watermelon, banana pudding and ribs from Lucille's.  She sucks on lemons from our water and makes some great faces while doing it.  I made spaghetti and she liked that.  She likes fruit for sure.  I am not sure what this kid doesn't like.  I hope she stays like this!  I hear that toddlers become picky eaters.  Oh, and we let her try chocolate.  We went to brunch and they had a chocolate fountain, so we dipped strawberries and marshmellows in it and she loved it! 

We love our little girl so much, if you can't tell!  She brings such joy to our life every day.  She makes us laugh and smile.

And just when you thought you had a bad hair day!

So everyone remembers 2 years ago when Barb won a car on The Price Is Right, right?  Barb won a car!  I finally made her a collage to commemorate the occasion.  She loved it.

Now for some videos......

Kaylen eats a lemon for the first time

Playing in the sand

Playing in the park

Going crazy with the curtains

1 comment:

  1. I miss that girl. Loved the video. She's growing quickly!!! Such a lovely combination of Bledsoe and Beever! Hehehe
